Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council Local Plan
We are expecting the next round of consultation for the wider Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council’s Local Plan to start in the autumn of this year. The Newcastle Borough Local Plan will suggest the new housing and employment development sites across the whole of the Borough (including Audley Rural Parish). It will also set the total numbers of housing required in the Borough, which will include a proportion for our Parish. We would strongly encourage all residents and businesses to have their say on the Newcastle Local Plan in the next round of consultation. Your views on the proposed housing and development sites are important. This is the Plan that says where sites for housing and employment will be allocated.

Further information on the Newcastle under Lyme Borough Local Plan can be found here by clicking or visiting

Audley Rural Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Audley Rural Parish Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the Statutory Development Plan, together with the Newcastle Local Plan (once the Neighbourhood Plan is 'Made'). The Audley Rural Parish Neighbourhood Plan does not include any housing or employment site allocations, however it does provide local policies for any future development to take account of, such as the natural environment and design.

Following the household and business survey, we are drafting these policies over the summer months. We are also finalising our list of protected Local Green Spaces, locally listed heritage assets and the design guidance for new housing. The household and business survey outcomes will be published shortly. Staffordshire County Council commissioned an independent review of the Green Belt sites in the Parish to look at what green belt land might be the most sustainable for any proposed new housing in the Parish, to support the Parish Council, providing an assessment based upon our Housing Needs figure in the Neighbourhood Plan evidence base. This information will be considered when we put our response to the Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council’s Local Plan. We expect the Audley Rural Parish Neighbourhood Plan to be subject to formal consultation (Regulation-14) in the early part of 2023.

Further information on the Audley Rural Parish Neighbourhood Plan can be found on this site

Audley Rural Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group